Apply for Naturopathic Care with Dr.Naika

Dr. Naika has every new Naturopathic client apply to work with her. Here’s why…

Over the past 6 years that Dr. Naika has been in private practice, she has observed that her clients who achieve the most drastic and long-lasting changes and those who achieve their health goals most effectively are those who are highly motivated and who commit to working with her over a longer stretch of time.

Working in an intentional, consistent, and focused wellness container, with frequent 1:1 collaboration and support is what will revolutionize your health.

Naturopathic care with Dr. Naika involves the use of holistic therapies such as nutrition, lifestyle counseling, vitamins, and herbal medicine, that will address the underlying root cause of your health concerns. Dr. Naika aims to help you feel better from the inside out. With Dr. Naika, you will set ambitious health goals, follow a custom individualized health protocol, and enjoy frequent check-ins with her to assess your progress and make adjustments to your protocol.

One of the best things about this Naturopathic Care Membership is that it is 100% virtual, meaning Dr. Naika can work with you, regardless of where in the world you are based! This creates more flexibility and opens up more options for you. You can have your Naturopathic sessions via phone or video chat.

Optimizing your health and wellness requires a commitment of time, energy, and finances. If you are ready to invest in your health and happiness, you are invited and encouraged to apply to be a client of Dr. Naika.

FSA & HSA is accepted!

This application aims to help both you and Dr. Naika determine whether you are a good fit for her Naturopathic Care Membership Program.

If your application is approved, we will contact you by email within 3 business days to schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call with Dr. Naika.

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