Your Holiday Wellness Guide: 5 Tips for Staying Healthy & Grounded

Holiday greetings to you!

​The holiday season is upon us once again. And as much as we may enjoy the sparkle, extra cheer, and delicious indulgence, the holidays can be a time when we forget to prioritize our mental, emotional, and physical wellness.

Here are 5 quick tips to support you in feeling your best this holiday season!

Eat Mindfully:

Savor every bite of those yummy special holiday foods we tend to enjoy during this time. But remember to balance those richer meals with nourishing options that fuel your body with balanced nutrition. Think vibrant veggies, lean proteins, fresh fruits, healthy fats, and whole grains.​

By sticking to your usual way of eating at least 80% of the time, you can indulge in those richer holiday meals without any guilt whatsoever.

Listen to and honor your body’s hunger and satiety cues, which will help you make aligned decisions about what to eat and how much.​

Don’t forget to hydrate! It’s important to drink water throughout your day, especially if you’re indulging in alcohol and seasonal beverages. Looking right at you egg nog , coquito, kremas, and mulled wine!​
Also, consider taking digestive enzymes to help you digest those heavier holiday meals and probiotics to support your gut microbiome.

Show Your Mental Health Some Love:

Self-care is not selfish, it's essential.
​This season, take breaks, cherish quiet moments of alone time, and don't be afraid to say no to things that drain your energy and rob you of your joy. Boundaries are beautiful!

Prioritize your peace at all costs.

​Remember your mindfulness practices. Journaling, meditation, and breath work can go a long way in terms of regulating your nervous system, decreasing stress, and creating the necessary sacred space for self-reflection.

Remember What Makes This Season Special:
Do you hold a faith close to your heart that gives this holiday season deeper meaning? It’s easy to forget the spiritual meaning of the holidays as we get swept up by all the frenzy.​

If you have a religious faith or spiritual practice that connects you to the holiday season, spend some time reflecting on their principles to remind you of what the season is all about.

Whether your practice highlights renewal and rebirth, giving and goodwill, affirming your identity and honoring your roots, or self-reflection and transformation - there are deeper themes we can contemplate for our own personal development.​

And don’t be afraid to dream up your own traditions, whether solo or with your tribe. Holidays don’t actually need to look a certain way and you do have the creative agency to make this season your own.

Move Your Body:

Even amidst the holiday rush, find some time to move your body in ways that you enjoy.​

Exercise is your stress antidote, energy booster, and digestive aid all rolled into one.​

Mindful movement during the holidays could look like a walk after your meals, ice-skating with your loved ones, making snow angels with the little ones, or some gentle yoga.


Holidays can be triggering for many of us, especially if the season is bringing up feelings of grief and loneliness.​

Make some time to connect with yourself first and foremost.

But also reach out for connection with the people who hold space for you, who love you, and whose company you truly enjoy. Prioritize those connections that bring you peace and happiness.​

And don’t be afraid to reach out to your trusted healers for some extra care and support this season. Whether it’s a last-minute Acupuncture session with me before you leave town or a scheduled check-in with your therapist while you’re away, don’t forget that there is care is available to you.


My wish for you this holiday season is that you prioritize your well-being, embrace beautiful moments, and let joy be your compass.​

Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness!


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