What is the microbiome?

You may have heard of the term microbiome before. You may have even heard about how important it is for your health. But do you know what it is and why it’s so important? Let’s dive in!

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome is a diverse, complex and essential community of trillions of microorganisms in your body, that are mostly symbiotic (a mutually beneficial relationship between two groups). Your microbiome profile is determined by your genetics, birth process (babies get more immediate microbe exposure when they pass through the birth canal), environment, diet, and more. So, each person’s microbiome profile is unique.The microbiome is actually composed of not just bacteria, but of fungi, parasites and viruses as well, which all work together to regulate and support a variety of health functions in your body. Your microbiome supports everything from your immune health to your digestive health to your vaginal health, and even your nervous system health (via the gut-brain axis). The microbiome primarily resides in your gut, but it also makes it home in a couple of other places, including your skin and genitalia.

Why is the microbiome important?

For starters; there are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells, so that’s pretty major! While newer research suggests that babies may come into contact with microbes while inside the womb, it is known that the relationship…

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